
Roasted Vegetable Soup Puree

4-qts low sodium vegetable stock or broth
2-lbs roma tomatoes halved
2-lbs sweet bell peppers cut into wide strips
1-lb sliced mushrooms
3-carrots peeled and cut in 1” chunks
6-celery stalks cut in wide pieces
1-sm eggplant cut into 1” chunks
1-red onion
6-cloves garlic chopped

1/4 Olive oil

Salt & Pepper

1-cup chia seeds
1-cup pesto


Prepare vegetables using roasted vegetable method. Remove roasted vegetables from oven allowing vegetables to cool slightly. Spoon vegi’s into blender (you may need to do this in batches) add stock and blend slightly DO NOT over blend you still want the vegetables to be slightly chunky. Pour vegetable puree into 6qt pot. Add chia seeds and pesto, season to taste.  Divide puree into serving containers and refrigerate till needed.
To serve, gently heat puree and garnish with avocado slices.

Macro/Micro Nutrient Value: 8oz
Kcal-32                                             Vit A-1,400IU
Protein-2gr                                          Vit C-20mg
Carb:5gr                                              Calcium-36mg
Complex-0                                          Potassium-232mg
Fibrous-5gr                                        Magnesium-25mg
Fat-1gr                                               Sugar-2gr
Omega 3-1gr                                       Sodium-2gr

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